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This article details the different user access levels that can be assigned when sharing data flows or resources with other Nexla users as well as the permissions granted with each access level.
For information about sharing Nexsets, see Section 10 of the Help Center article Nexset (Dataset) Information.
For information about sharing data flows, see Section 5 of the Help Center article Data Flow Information & Insights.
1. Owner
2. Administrator
3. Collaborator
4. Operator
1. Owner
A user who creates a resource has full administrative rights to the resource or to all resources in the data flow.
To transfer ownership of a resource or data flow, contact
A resource/data flow owner can do the following:
- View all information about and contained within each resource
- Modify the resource(s)
- Delete the resource(s)
- Activate and/or pause the resource(s) or data flow
- Use the resource(s) in other data flows and/or Nexsets
- Modify the resource(s)
- Share the resource(s) or data flow with other users
When an Owner shares a resource or data flow, the Owner also assigns an access level to the recipient.
- Modify access controls for the resource(s) or data flow if shared with other users
- Remove access to the resource(s) or data flow from other users
2. Administrator
A user assigned the Administrator role is granted full administrative rights to the shared resource or to all resources in the shared data flow.
With Administrator-level access, a user can do the following:
- View all information about and contained within each resource
- Modify the resource(s)
- Delete the resource(s)
- Activate and/or pause the resource(s) or data flow
- Use the resource(s) in other data flows and/or Nexsets
- Modify the resource(s)
- Share the resource(s) or data flow with other users
When a user with Administrative access shares a resource or data flow, the user also assigns an access level to the recipient.
- Modify access controls for the resource(s) or data flow if shared with other users
An Administrator cannot modify access controls for resource or data flow owner.
- Remove access to the resource(s) or data flow from other users
An Administrator cannot remove access to the resource(s) or data flow from the owner.
3. Collaborator
A user assigned the Collaborator role is granted read-only access to the shared resource or to all resources in the shared data flow.
With Collaborator-level access, a user can do the following:
- View all contents of the resource(s) or data flow
- Use the resource(s) in other data flows and/or Nexsets
With Collaborator-level access, a user cannot do the following:
- Modify the resource(s)
- Share the resource(s) or data flow with other users
- Pause and/or activate the resource(s) or data flow
4. Operator
A user assigned the Operator role is granted the ability to pause and/or activate the shared resource(s) or data flow in addition to the privileges granted with the Collaborator role.
With Operator-level access, a user can do the following:
- View all contents of the resource(s) or data flow
- Use the resource(s) in other data flows and/or Nexsets
- Pause and/or activate the resource(s) or data flow
With Operator-level access, a user cannot do the following:
- Modify the resource(s)
- Share the resource(s) or data flow with other users
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